30 October 2012

Andrea's 5 Little Ones

In Memory of her 5 Little Ones
2010 October
2011 February
2011 May
2011 December
2012 October

by Andrea Merrigan

"My blog is about living naturally and eating whole foods, but I also talk about my miscarriages and infertility struggles."


In Memory of Claire
2009 October 01

"Handprint On My Heart"
by Jaime

Personal blog
Claire's Name Gallery (including links of where to get your child's name written)
Comforting Quotes
Family & Friends (How they can help you)
Face2Face Yellowknife (Local Support)
*Included in the left hand column of each page is a list of online resources*

25 October 2012

24 October 2012

Baby Alanna Phoebe

Link: http://foreverbabyalanna.blogspot.ca/
In Memory of Baby Alanna Phoebe
[2012 August 19]

"A blog journey after losing my baby Alanna"
by Mommy Anna
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